Welcome to Agni Yantra

Agni Yantra

While living in this Material World, everyone needs to Ensure their Health, Wealth, Family Relationship, Love Life, Education, Career, Finance, Business, Spirituality, Mental Wellbeing is in the best order and be able to live their lives to the Fullest. In order to achieve this, fundamentally one has to put Consistent Effort and keep Self Motivating. However, it can be disappointing when our efforts do not reap Expected Results.

This can stem from many reasons Spiritually, such as Lack of Merits, Past Life Karma, Karmic Actions such as Abortion, Miscarriage, Planetary Malefic Effects, Curses, Evil Eyes and in some cases even Black Magic. Thus, to Increase One’s Merits, Spiritually Assist and Complement One’s Efforts, we have brought in a Very Strong series of Burning Paper which is called ‘AGNI YANTRA’.
This AGNI YANTRA serve designated purposes.

These methods are Historically Derived from Ancient Hindu Culture and Spread across many Hindu Buddha Countries. It is Very Important to note that, despite the Yantra drawings being Very Powerful, what truly Empowers it is the content of the papers which Palm Leaf and Ancient Herbs. It is vital for one to continuously Burn these AGNI YANTRA on a monthly basis to see Excellent Results in Life.

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Divine Merit Yantra

This Yantra is for our very own Offerings to the Spiritual Deities in order to obtain Merits for our Personal Self. These Merits in Return Enables us to obtain Powerful Luck and Opportunities to Gain Success in Life. Other than that, these Offerings would help us go through Life Barriers Smoothly.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Cleansing Yantra

This Yantra is for Cleansing Negative Energy, Black Magic, Cleansing Evil Charms, Cleansing Negativities and Evil Intentions. It can be used for either Personal Name or Address of Affected Places. As the Yantras are burned, the Aura and the Atmosphere will bring the change to the Individual or Location.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth or Address of the Effected place at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Business Luck Yantra

This Yantra is for very strong energy in Improving Business. These Yantras can be used for Individuals who are suffering Financially with never ending problems as well as those intending to Boost their current Business Progress to better level. There will be Tremendous change after some time of Offering this Yantras depending on the Merits Collected by the Individuals.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Clearing Diseases and Sickness Yantra

This Yantra is for avoid unwanted Deadly Disease and Sickness which are cause by Karmic Effect or Negative Energy. It also helps in Healing of Individuals Suffering from serious to Minor level Sickness by seeking Mercy Spiritually. By the Mercy of Lords and Deities, eventually the Individual will be seeing changes occurring Time to Time. 

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Protection Yantra

This Yantra is for Spiritual Protection. This Yantra is Offering for Lords and Deities for an Individual to be Protected from Unnatural Death such as Accidents, Harms, Sharp Weapons, Bullets, Dark Magic, Evil Charms and Intentions. Once Acknowledging our offerings, the Lord and Deities will provide us with Energy Protection that will ease our way through the formerly stated harms.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Fending Off Malicious People Yantra

This Yantra is for Fending Off Malicious and Negative People around an Individual. Burning this Yantra provides an individual with an Amplified Aura and Energy that will naturally push away people who are having Evil Intentions around them. 

How To Use:

Intent and Burn.

Attraction Yantra

This Yantra is for Attraction Purpose. This Yantra offering provides an Individual to Attract Benefactors and Supporter. It also helps in Gaining Fame and Respect into the Individuals Life. By this Attraction, an Individual will eventually be able to do many Great things with Ease and Support. 

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Clearing Enemy Yantra

This Yantra is for Clearing Enemies. This Yantra provides Energy which would Clear Off people who are Harming or Bringing an Individual down in Life. The Enemy would either give up trying to Harm the Individual and Walk Away or would eventually feel the Wrath of his own Wrong Doings. 

How To Use:

Write Your Enemy’s Full Name and their Date of Birth Inside the Circle on the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Love Yantra

This Yantra is for strengthening Love Life and Relationship. This Yantra offers to Lord and Deities as a sign of Gratitude for the Relationship an Individual is in. It could be also used for Repairing and Patching Up Broken Relationships. Moreover, an Individual could also offer this Yantra in search for New Love Life or The Right Soulmate. 

How To Use:

Write Both Your Partner and Your Full Name and Date of Birth inside the Rectangle Box on the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Wealth Yantra

This Yantra is for Wealth Opportunities. This Yantra Offering brings up Tremendous New Opportunities and Invite Wealth Flow for an Individual. Other than that, this Yantra is also used to Prevent Wealth Leakage and Provides Protection Against Unwanted Business Losses.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Luck Yantra

This Yantra is for Boosting Luck. This Yantra offering provides Good Energy to Boost an Individuals Luck, who has always been having Misfortune in Life. Furthermore, this Energy by Lord and Deities helps to Brighten Up an Individual’s Luck, helps pulls up an Individual from Bad Times, Enables the Individual to reach Success and also hold on to Wealth.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Attracting Customer Yantra

This Yantra is Specifically for Attraction of Customers. This Offering will naturally bring in more Wealth by Attracting more Customers to an Individual. These are all using Natural Energy of Attraction and Manifestation. Other than that, this Yantra also provides Protection to an Individuals Premises and Avoids Losing Customers. 

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Golden Baby Yantra

This Yantra is for Offering Merits to Aborted Babies or Deceased Unborn Babies. This is a form of Offering to Golden Baby and Gain Spiritual necessities which Empowers it to become Tremendously Powerful. Other than that, this Yantra also provides Offering to Appease Spirits of Aborted Babies and Deceased Unborn Babies. Burning this Yantra is to Ensure the Unborn Babies Spirits don’t Suffer and will not be Reborn to Suffer the same Fate. By doing this offering, an Individual could gain Divine Merits and Reduces the Karmic Effect on this Life.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date Of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Deities Merit Yantra

This can be burnt on behalf of other People or Family Members or Sick People who don’t have Physical Strength to burn the Yantra for themselves. These are Offerings to the Spiritual Deities in order to Obtain Merits for the Recipients. These Merits in return Enables them Pass through Hurdles in Life. Other than that, these Offerings would help them go through Life Barriers Smoothly.

How To Use:

Write the Person who is Affected Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.

Naga Serpent Yantra

This Yantra is for Offering To Nagas or Serpents. Those Suffering from Malefic Effects of Naga Dosha, Sarpa Dosha, Kala Sarpa Dosha, Rahu and Kethu Dosha, this Yantra burning is Advisable. By burning this Yantra is a form of Offering to the Naga or Serpent World which helps an Individual to Reduce his or her Karmic and Astrological Effect due to the Doshas and receive Blessings in Return.

How To Use:

Write Your Full Name and Date of Birth at the back of the Yantra, Intent and Burn.